Vous retrouverez ici des documents en complément du cours d'UEL
Espace cursus UEL anglais Communication L3 - Groupes de F. Henry
This is the English (UEL) or English as a second language course platform for L3 AES students. This language course is devised with an interdisciplinary approach following your major. It focuses on the practice and uses of the English language in relation to the field of Social and Economic Administration in the Social Sciences.
There are 2 semesters and 12 seminars per semester.
Each semester is centred on two main topics. The following are the thematic programmes for semester 5:
- Job Application
- The Corporate World
The programmes for semester 2 will be published later.
Assessments all-rounded, which includes speaking (EO), writing (EE), reading (CE) and listening (CO).
The first mid-term assessment (Reading/CE) will begin in week 6, on 17th October, 2024.
Cours d'anglais de Mr Belliard à destination des L3 AES
UEL Anglais pour L3 histoire
Code UE : 02ML504E
Semestre 5

Enseignante : Émilie Dardenne
Cours d'UEL anglais - L3 psychologie - M Jeanniard du Dot

Semestre 5
TD 08 jeudi 13h45-15h45
TD 03 mardi 10h45-10h45