• Week 4: Machine learning in finance

    This week, we are going to see the how computers have taken over the world of finance.

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      Watch this video to discover the role played by machine-learning in finance.

      How will finance look like in the coming years?

      Before reading a text on the future of finance, test your vocabulary.

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      Here are some key words or expressions from the text. Try to find their French definition.

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      Read the text.

      If you wish, you can real the full article here.

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      Try to answer the 4 general questions by following these guidelines.
    • Grammar corner: the passive voice
      Let's look at the text again lines 41-42: 

      The problem is exacerbated by the fact that many programs run on the same formulae.”

      This verbal form is called the passive voice. It is very common in English and is used to insist on the verb / action.

      Look at how the passive voice is constructed:

      Passive voice

      Simple tenses are quite easy to transform. It is more difficult with tenses like "BE + -ING present" or the present perfect.

      Let's try the following exercise.
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